02 May 2012

Rainy Day...

Jacket: Yaya Aflalo, Tee: Gap, Jeans: Joe's, Shoes: Converse, Necklace: c/o Stella & Dot, Beanie: Neff, Bag: Botkier, Sunnies: Ray Ban 

Headed out to run a few errands on a very gloomy and misty day yesterday!
Was the perfect day (aka I have bed head) to sport my favorite and extremely cozy beanie.
Love rainy days...

P.S. Have any of you read Fifty Shades of Grey? Sweet Jesus I'm on the 6th chapter and 
I can't put it down! It's like our generation's version of those cheesy romance novels my
mom used to read...only so much better! Officially. Addicted.


Live-Style20 said...

fine jacket ;))


elle adore said...

very cool look!!


Despina T. said...

such a great look!so rock!i adore the pants and the booties.

christin said...

i need those converse.

Unknown said...

Yes, it was rainy yesterday, but I wasn't stylish as you were.
Love the beanie.

RosaLovesDC said...

It was a little rainy yesterday here too and I think the rain is gonna continue through tomorrow.

The Fancy Teacup said...

Such a rocker chic, rainy day look, girl!


Sharon Lei said...

Lookin' ultra rad in this laid back look, Nicole. How ya been? Hope all is well. I'm nursing a cold, but thankful for all the rest that I'm getting, plus I can catch up on my blog reading. hehehe.

I haven't read Firsty Shades of Grey, but I'd love to pick it up.. perhaps over the weekend. I'm actually trying to finish up the last book of the Hunger Games. tee hee.

xx Love & Aloha

Unknown said...

LOVE it!
Hey, it's lisa over at Stilettos and diaper bags. I started a new blog, followed you on GFC and added you to our blog roll (you are one of my favs after all). Can you do me a favor an follow back on gfc please?! Thanks! xo


Courtney Erin said...

I love this - it's so laid back and effortlessly cool...I envy all you effortlessly cool people.

Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

Krystin Lee said...

Love this out - so rocker chic!
xo Krystin

Fashionable Rose said...

wow you are not wearing heels hehe :) looking good in this casual outfit x

Closet Fashionista said...

Ick on rainy days but I love this outfit!! :D
(I have heard so many people love that book...but I know it wouldn't be my style, ha ha)

nancy @ adore to adorn said...

Love this look. I love a good casual outfit...especially paired with a beanie! ;-)
And YES, totally read Fifty Shades of Grey...and totally agree with you! =)


Beautygirl24 said...

I ran errands in the rain yesterday too, and I totally should have worn a beenie. My hair was frizz central by hour one!

this free bird said...

Can we discuss the shoe action? I'm feeling some love.

And speaking of love it sounds like Fifty Shades of Grey is calling me.

Anonymous said...

I know that jacket...Looks great on you. xo Mish

Ari Hastari Hadipranoto said...

wow love ur jeans and those boots.. u look gorgeous..))

Annie said...

We were JUST talking about Fifty Shades of Grey at work.. I haven't read it yet!
This is a perfect rainy day outfit. It's rainy here on the east coast too. XO

Annie said...

p.s. don't forget to enter my giveaway! :)

Annie said...

p.s. don't forget to enter my giveaway! :)

Kate said...

You look like such a rockstar when you're dressed down! I love it! So edgy & chic.

lizziedee said...

All three books in the trilogy are fab! I think the second is even better than the first. I was completely addicted - couldn't put them down and didn't get anything else done while I was reading!

Anonymous said...

You look great as always! My friends are all reading 50 Shades, I've heard it's good for one's sex life!! lol

MelRod said...

Oh how I've missed your blog hun!!! Perfect outfit for a gloomy day!!!



Anonymous said...

Wow, you rock that outfit! You looks so cute in it! I loe your blog too, I will be following :) Mind following me back if you like my blog..?



Life's a shoe said...

great rainy day outfit, love the leather jacket

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That's one stylin' rainy day look! Wish I looked that cute in hats!

Victoria said...

Perfect outfit for rainy days. Love it! xx

- Victoria

Unknown said...

love this look love the hat

Cara said...

Love the boots and hat-such a great look!
xo Cara

Clara Turbay said...

love the colors and designs!

The Key To Chic said...

I haven't read it but I'm intrigued! I'm a big fan of hats on 2nd hair days, or on drizzly days. Love the casual vibe!

Audrey B said...

Love the edgy/casual look! so perfect for a rain day! x www.casualglamorous.com

Polly said...

Now this is an outfit that I can rock and run after the bambino's in. And thanks for the book rec, you know I love a good one.

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