31 December 2013

Closing Out 2013

I read this quote every year and every year it still has the same
meaning and message for me. I feel truly grateful and blessed
for so many of the things that happened this year. I'm humbled
that you all take the time to visit my little blog and allow me to
continue to do something I'm passionate about!

Life is all about lessons and what we learn from them.
Here's a little recap of what I learned this year cause I know 
you're sitting at the edge of your seat.....

*Being a yes man just gets you into things you never wanted to do in the first place.
*Trying to force yourself to eat bell peppers still won't make you like them.
*It's ok to speak your mind even if it doesn't go over well.
*Cholula tastes just like the sauce from Taco Bell. (yes I just tried it)
*Being near any body of water really helps you relax and center yourself.
*Nars Velvet Matte Pencil in Dragon Girl is my favorite.
*I have an unhealthy addiction to ranch dressing.
*Taking a deep breath and counting to 5 before reacting has proven to work. (when I allow it to)
*Sensible flats have become my "go-to". Who am I?
*Trying to overcome fear and anxiety takes dedication and hard work.
*Don't do things for reciprocity, do them because you want to.
*Kissing ass is a refined skill in which I do not possess. 
*Smiling doesn't take any effort at all, in fact it helps lift your day.



Sarah said...

Great 'lessons' - love that you're keeping it real! I also can't kiss ass but I might try the counting to 5 thing... Great blog x

nancy @ adore to adorn said...

love reading your lessons. =) I relate to many...especially being a "yes man." hehe

Happy 2014!! Cheers!



Cara said...

Happy 2014!
So exciting to be starting a new year, that is a great quote and a beautiful photo…and I couldn't agree more about smiles!!

xo Cara

Leah said...

ahha loved reading this and learning more about you. Hope you have an amazing 2014!

Taylor said...

wait you only just tried cholula? or taco bell sauce? Man, TB was my mainstay in HS/College....a taco is a taco when you are drunk! :)

Tom said...

Come on! If some of you really need some help with essay you can just ask this guys for help! Dont be shy adn just text to them residency personal statement writing service and be ready for wins! Good luck and have fun my dear friedns! Enjoy!

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